
Archive for the ‘Quotable Quotes’ Category

My friend and colleague’s son studies in Sathyabama, so we have a great supply of Jeppiar jokes from him.

At the convocation, he attended:

(After he arrived 10 minutes late) Jeppiar: I don’t say Sorry. Sari you get in Saravana stores.

(To traditional parents who are dead-against dating) Jeppiar: Boy-Boy talk. Girl-Girl talk. Boy-girl no talk!

Jeppiar on his family: I have two daughters. Both of them are girls…

Jeppiar to students: All of you, stand in a straight circle

The girl with the mirror please come her…{Meaning girl with specs).

I talk, he talk, why you middle middle talk ?

Why are you late – say YES or NO

In this wonderful college, girls and boys must not talk to each other. If they do its a crime!

If anyone two innocent conversationalists are caught red-handed committing this crime, their names and photographs appear on the notice boards and I don’t know if the two involved get to wear black badges

Girls and boys touching each other is also a crime. Since its impractical for the college bus to pick girls and boys separately, they do travel together. But in case, the bus driver applies a sudden break and a girl brushes against a boy?

Well, Mr Jeppiar cordons off the boys’ side from the girls’ side on the bus with a rope.

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His has been the most notable face among the Christian gospelers. He has presided over several thousand ‘miracle healing’ meetings wherein countless ‘sufferers’ have had their illness or afflictions, ranging from common cold to blindness, ‘cured’ through prayers.

But when it came to healing his own troublesome knee, D G S Dinakaran, the well-known evangelist in question, seems to have reposed faith with a team of doctors at a local hospital rather than hobble around and wait for divine help.”

-NT Bureau

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